Monday, June 18, 2007

Possum Kingdom

Strother had his first taste of lake life. He enjoyed the leisure time and his visit with Anna. She's a cutie!

Strother suns poolside...Anna shows us all what cool really looks like...
Papa bjorns the baby to the boat...
Naptime under the steering wheel!
A bunch of buoyant buddies...

Safety first. The life jacket weighs more than he does!
Hanging out in the condo...

Strother started to crawl this week (eight months old). It's amazing how quickly he's learning to get around, and how dirty my floors are! He already knows how to pull himself up to the bed and bathtub. Emergency room here we come... I'll get some video of that adventure up soon.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Crawling! Yay Strother!

Now your mommy can attach some swiffer sweeper pads to your knees:)