Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I was wondering this week how I'm ever going to remember Strother's hilarious vocabulary these days. I love his sentence structure and the form it takes on every day. Of course! I'll blog about it. This blog has more than his baby book ever will anyway! This morning, as Papa was walking out the door, Darin said, "I love you." Strother looked at me and said, "Papa love you me." It was so cute. He uses me and now all the time. He'll say, "Hold you me mama" instead of pick me up. He uses outside for both outside and inside. Raisins are rainies. He used to say pish for fish, but he's picked up the f recently. Tookies are cookies. I was taking his picture last week and he said, "No cheese me mama." So funny. Email me if you've heard more...

Here's the video of Strother at the Tuscon Zoo watching the monkeys.


Anonymous said...

"doing Nana, doing?" ie what are you doing Nana? Also tells Nana to taste this it's tasty! "I like necklace, Nana"
Macaroni is "licious".

Anonymous said...

I love it Blythe! He's too cute! "No cheese me mama"....that is hilarious! It's obvious he's tired of the camera in his face. -Crystal